Email Marketing Complaint is a sample complaint against marketing methods used by a company. Formal letter mentioning the incident and appeal for strict action.
19th July 2011
Respect Mr. Ridley
Subject: Complaint against marketing methods used by your company to promote the New Age ‘Pearl lipstick’
Sir, I, Sarah Jacob as a loyal customer of your products feel its my responsibility to make you aware and complaint about the marketing methods used by some of your door to door sales persons to promote ‘pearl lipstick’. I have been harassed by a few of your salesmen who were trying to market and sell the product. In fact I even warned your employees about this complaint email but in vein.
One of your salesperson who sells lipstick, has become a nuisance to the entire area I live in as he keeps ringing the doorbell. On answering the door, he refuses to take no as an answer and keeps disturbing me and the entire neighbourhood. On telling him that this behaviour will be reported, he started speaking rudely to me and my neighbour. I am not very sure about his name but i think you can find out referring to my address.
I really hope sir that some required action will be taken against him so that it sets an example for other salespersons as well. It is highly unethical to disturb people and speak rudely to customers.
I would be obliged if you pay heed to my request on an immediate basis. I will also be waiting for your response to the complaint.
Thanking you