Office Exchange Email

Office Exchange Email is a sample letter by the CEO of a company mentioning about the changes made to some official documents. Sample Email describing what is expected of the employees.

To : [email protected]

Subject: Change in procedure for exchange of office documents

Dear All,

This mail is being sent to all of you to inform you all about the changes that have been made in regards to the official exchange of mails and documents from one staff to the other. These changes have been brought into consideration on account of theft of some of the vital office documents.

The changes are meant for any exchange of office documents and official communication as given here under:

1)      All exchange of official communication is to be on record.

2)      All the staff members are requested not to use any personal symbols while exchanging official mail.

3)      All official documents that are transferred from one staff to another should be noted in the file transfer document which will be audited every week by their respective supervisors.

4)      The staff should communicate in a very ethical and healthy language when exchanging official documents.

5)      No staff to communicate with clients until assigned by the respective supervisor.

These changes come into force with immediate effect and any violation by any staff member would not be tolerated at any cost.

Hope all the new official document exchange process is clear. I expect that all the staff members will ensure to follow this new process religiously.

Yours Sincerely,

David Blundell.

CEO, ABC Private Limited.


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