Networking Email written in an informal tone to show excitement on becoming a part of a new project. Sample letter enquiring about the various rules and regulations to be followed.
Sub: informal networking mail
Dear Roger,
This email is in response to the networking group that you wish to start on the social networking site Hand Book. I am very excited to be a part of this networking site and would like to know more about the same. I am aware about the cause of your networking and believe that it is very relatable for me.
It was on 10th of July that I saw an invitation from your networking group while browsing through my profile on Hand Book. According to me your networking site sends invitations to people to be a part of the best of the parties in the town with a monthly subscription fee. I can call myself as a party animal and would love to stay informed about the most happening parties in the town. I have already shared your group on my wall and with my like minded friends and they would surely get in touch with you.
I am really interested to know more about this networking group and the various rules and procedures I need to follow in order to be a part of it. I also want to know the monthly subscription fee. It would be very nice of you to get back to me with more information about the same.
Thanking you,
Jim Beam