Leaving Office Email is a formal letter written to the colleagues before leaving the job position for good. Sample text messages mentioning the cause and gratitude towards all.
Dear all,
I want to inform you all that today is my last working day in High Ends as I am getting an opportunity to move on to other better propositions for my career. Since I am leaving today, I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for all your support and the bitter sweet memories that we will cherish forever.
I had the best learning experience when I was working with Jenny for the deal of the Jensens. Tough job was made simple and easy to follow because of your hard work and dedication and I really wish I am half as tough as you are. Mr. Madison was the source of Inspiration and Joy and I thank you from the core of my heart for supporting me when I knew nothing about this place. I want to thank Mr. Brown for letting me work on the Dillon project. It will always remain the most important highlight in my career. I am so thankful to you that you included me in your team.
With regards and best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
Kathy Dawson
Phone: 9797897930