Office Farewell Invitation Email is a sample invitation by the managing director to the farewell party of one of the staff. Email template describing the venue and timings of the party.
To : [email protected], [email protected] , [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Subject: Invitation for farewell party of Mr. John Brissat
Dear All,
This is an invitation to all of you to attend the farewell party of Mr. John Joseph, Manager-Marketing department, who is not going to work with us anymore and is leaving us for better career opportunities. Today is his last working day with us and hence we have organized this farewell party for him to appreciate him for his prolonged association that he has had with our company. The farewell party is held at Parkton Hotel tonight and all of you are invited along with your family on the occasion. Mr. John and his family have accepted the invitation and they would be joining us for the party.
We would highly appreciate the presence of one and all along with their family members. According to us this is the best way to express our gratitude for Mr. John’s hard work and for his services to the company for so many years. Any of the senior colleagues who have worked with Mr. John can feel free to share their personal experience with all of us in the farewell party.
We have decided to present Mr. John with a memento to commemorate his commendable service to our company. So please make yourself free to attend the farewell party without fail.
Yours truly,
Peter Annet
Managing Director