Formal Announcement letter informing about the resignation from a certain post through email. Sample text messages appreciating the effort made by the company towards his development.
Subject: Formal Resignation from Services
Dear Mr. Irwin,
This email is written to inform you that I am resigning from your organization, Maples Inc., effective from 21st April 2010. It won’t be possible for me to continue my services in this organization due to various unavoidable circumstances and related issues. It has been a learning curve for me and I was able to learn a lot from you.
I look forward to apply all the inspiration that I have drawn from you later in my work life. The unfailing support and continuous contribution has helped me in polishing my skills to a great extent. I am so grateful to all my colleagues who have always provided me with great support and enthusiasm. They always inspired me whenever I was out of focus. With such a healthy and conducive atmosphere at the workplace, I am sure there would be more improvement in employer – employee relationship.
It has been a great journey and looking forward to what is in store for both.
Thanks & Regards
Emma Firth
Business Manager