Friendship Chain Email

Friendship Chain Email is written to a lot of friends at the same time and enquiring about what is going on with their lives. Sample letter showing enthusiasm for the upcoming reunion.

To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

Subject: Let us plan a reunion

Dear Friends,

I miss you all so much. It seems like it has been ages since we last spoke to each other. I remember the school days when we couldn’t stay without talking to each other even for a single day. Even when one of us took leave because of illness or any other reason, the rest of us used to make sure that we go to her place and meet her and made sure that everything was fine. And now we are so involved in our lives that we hardly get time to speak to each other. I really miss you people and all the fun we have had together.

I wanted to have a reunion for our group on the 20th of the coming month and I was planning to have it at my place. I wish we could meet up again and bring those magical moments back. I hope all five of you manage your time and be there at my place on the mentioned date.

See you soon,

Yours Lovingly,


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