Subject: My sympathies are with you
Dear John,
I am so sorry to hear the news about your bother. I got to know about his demise on the 10th of July 2013. This mail is to offer my condolences in this regards.
I was on leave from work for one week. When I came back on 11th July I noticed that you were absent and enquired with our manager of operations. He informed me that your brother has passed away. I was not aware that your brother was suffering from leukemia. I understand that it must be really difficult for you as you were very close to your brother. I do remember whatever you have told me about him. I regret that I never got an opportunity to meet him. It is a great loss that cannot be compensated by any means. Not only you, but we all will be missing him a lot.
You have been an important employee of my team. It is necessary for you to be mentally strong not only for the benefit of our organization but also your family. I want you to join us back with a stronger will. I would request you to stand beside your family and give them strength. Let us pray for your brother’s journey abode.
Your assistant manager,
Jake Blake.
Given Below are a few sympathy email examples for a clearer Ideas.
Sympathy Email to Employer
Sample Sympathy Email to Employer is a Condolence letter written to the Employer on the death of his mother.
Sympathy Email to Colleague
Sympathy email to colleague is a Condolence letter written to the colleague on the layoff from the company.
Sympathy Email to Boss
Sample Sympathy email to boss is a letter written to the boss on the account of his ill health.
Sympathy Email to Supervisor
Sympathy Email is a Condolence letter written to Supervisor on the death of his wife.