Canceling an Appointment Email Sample Format, Template

If you have to cancel an appointment for some reason then you need to write a cancellation appointment email or letter to that particular person with whom the appointment was scheduled. It is a good idea to include the reason because of which you are cancelling the appointment.

To make this an easier one, we have come up with a Sample Appointment Email for cancelling the appointment. You can use this Appointment Email Template in order to frame a customized email that includes all the important details.

Cancel Appointment Email Sample

Dear Mr. Ray,

I, Richard Smith, am writing this email on behalf of Mr. Henry Brown, Manager, Zenith Technologies, to cancel the appointment that was scheduled for November 15th, 2024 at 5 pm.

Mr. Brown has met with an accident and has been hospitalized for the treatment. As per the doctors, he shall be staying under observation in the hospital for three days and after that he needs to rest at home for at least 10 days so that his body is able to recover from the injuries he has suffered in the accident.

I would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused to you because of the cancellation. Once, he returns to work, I shall get back to you to schedule the appointment for future.

Thanking you.


Richard Smith


Zenith Technologies

New York

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