If you have shared wrong product information with your customer then before sharing the correct information, make sure that you send an apology email to your customer. This apology email to a customer for sending wrong product information must include the apology along with the right information about the product.
You can simply use the sample apology email to a customer for sending wrong product information that has been shared below.
Template of Apology Email to a Customer for Sending Wrong Product Information
Dear Ms. Ana,
We came to know that one of our employees by mistake shared wrong information about the product for which you had enquired. Instead of sharing information on LG 12345, the executive wrongly shared the information about LG 98652.
I would like to apologize on behalf of my executive for this error which might have resulted into misunderstanding or some other kind of difficulty. I have attached with the email the complete details about LG 12345 which you had asked.
We will make sure that you have a smooth shopping experience with us and we will take utmost care that no such mistake happens ever again. For any further information about LG 12345, feel free to get in touch with us at 9898989898.
Thank you for your time and cooperation.
Anthony Smith
Zen Electronics
New York